
Saturday, December 1, 2012

How To: Join-as-you-go Granny Squares

Today was a rainy day, so Eva let me some time to write this post whilst sleeping. So I want to show you how to join granny squares as you go :)

First of all you should decide what would be the order of your pieces. I took these four elements for the beginning :)

Then crochet two sides of a granny square like that. To make a corner you should crochet chain of 3 stitches

The next step: chain of 3 stitches & 3 double crochet 

Then 1 slip stitch & 3 double crochet and so on till the corner 

At the corner 1 stitch, 1 slip stitch and again 1 stitch

Then look over the beginning of the tutorial and do the same :)

Go on as far as you want to be your blanket

At the end you just crochet chain of 3 stitches, 3 double crochet, 1 stitch, 3 double crochet, 1 stitch,
3 double crochet, 1 stitch, 3 double crochet, 1 stitch, 1 slip stitch, 1 stitch a so on... I hope you get it :)

This is the end of the first row of your granny blanket! 

Looking forward to see your blankets :)


  1. О спасибо! Как раз хотела у тебя спросить как ты соединяешь! А ничего что получаются немного закругленные квадратики? Или потом при финальной обвязке они станут ровными?

    1. Лена, я же в конце все отпариваю и стираю. Оно все становится ровненьким и красивым :)

  2. Do you have a video tutorial on this?
